The Universal Baseball Association, Inc., J.Henry Waugh, Prop.

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Email: Jeff Sagarin

All Contents Copyright © 2012 Jeff Sagarintm. All Rights Reserved.

This game was inspired by Robert Coover's magnificent novel "The Universal Baseball Association, Inc., J.Henry Waugh, Prop.", 1968.

"It is here not at all requisite to prove that such an
intellectus archetypus is possible, but only that we are
led to the Idea of it ..."
---KANT, Critique of Judgement

Roll three same colored dice and read from lowest to highest.
Use FIRST column results unless it says "REROLL".  If it does,
roll again and use SECOND column.

     Column 1     Column 2                Column 1     Column 2

111  TRIPLE-------HOMERUN            244  SINGLE-------WALK
112  WALK---------HIT BY PITCH       245  flyout-------HOMERUN
113  strikeout----DOUBLE             246  dp/grounder--infield fly
114  SINGLE-------infield fly
115  infield fly--ERROR              255  SINGLE-------DOUBLE
116  strikeout----DOUBLE             256  infield fly--HOMERUN

122  DOUBLE-------TRIPLE             266  WALK---------ERROR
124  dp/grounder--SINGLE             333  PASSED BALL--TRIPLE
125  flyout-------HOMERUN            334  SINGLE-------infield fly
126  groundout----SINGLE             335  ERROR--------DOUBLE
                                     336  DOUBLE-------ERROR
133  SINGLE-------WALK
134  groundout----HOMERUN            344  strikeout----HIT BY PITCH
135  flyout-------infield fly        345  flyout-------ERROR
136  groundout----SINGLE             346  infield fly--HOMERUN

144  SINGLE-------DOUBLE             355  SINGLE-------infield fly
145  flyout-------HOMERUN            356  groundout----SINGLE
146  dp/grounder--ERROR
                                     366  WALK---------ERROR
156  groundout----SINGLE             444  WILD PITCH---DOUBLE
                                     445  strikeout----HIT BY PITCH
166  strikeout----DOUBLE             446  WALK---------infield fly

222  WILD PITCH---strikeout          455  SINGLE-------WALK
223  strikeout----DOUBLE             456  dp/grounder--SINGLE
224  WALK---------infield fly
225  SINGLE-------DOUBLE             466  REROLL !!!---TRIPLE
226  strikeout----HIT BY PITCH
                                     555  BALK/pickoff-strikeout
233  SINGLE-------infield fly        556  strikeout----DOUBLE
234  REROLL !!!---HOMERUN            566  WALK---------TRIPLE
235  flyout-------ERROR
236  groundout----SINGLE             666  HOMERUN------DOUBLE

This chart is based on the composite major league baseball
statistics of  1946-1960.

When there were 16 teams and a 154 game schedule.
And the teams traveled by train  ...  Oh! We had an America!
And it was an America without parallel!
We've got to go back to America!

Roll three same colored dice and read from lowest to highest.
Use FIRST column results unless it says "REROLL".  If it does,
roll again and use SECOND column.

Baserunner advancement on SINGLES and DOUBLES: roll dice and use TOTAL.
If result is a "long" or "medium", roll again, and if  111,222,333,444,555,666,
lead runner is thrown out!

              "long"                         "medium"
  (advances all runners 2 bases)    (advances lead runner 2 bases)
if 0 out    5,10,11,16                         6,15
if 1 out    5,10,11,16                         9,12
if 2 out  3,6,10,11,15,18                4,5,7,9,12,14,16,17

             (scores the runner from first)
if 0 out           5,10,11,16
if 1 out         4,5,10,11,16,17
if 2 out       4,5,8,10,11,13,16,17

Sacrifice Bunts are successful in advancing the runner for the following
totals:   3 thru 9  and  12 thru 18
          the lead runner is out on totals of 10 and 11.

Stolen Base Attempts are successful for   5,6,8,10,11,13,15,16

BALK/pickoff -- roll again -- even total is BALK, odd is pickoff.